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Shaddix Genealogy

Alternative spellings: Shadix, Shaddock.

Tracking the Shaddix genealogy with accuracy is very difficult. It now appears that the Shaddix family emigrated from southwest England to Georgia in 1769 or so. Research is greatly complicated by multiple spellings of their surname, and naming conventions that result in cousins with identical names and close birthdates.

Genealogist and family member Michelle Jones appears to have done the best job of traditional genealogical research on the Shaddix and related lines that I've found so far. Much of the information presented here comes from her work, supplemented by other (earlier?) researchers like Don Shaddix.

This page summarizes what we think we know, but is a work in progress. Well-sourced additions and corrections are very welcome at .

Earliest Ancestor

The family's earliest known ancestor appears to be James Shaddock, born about 1730 in the Devon region of southwest England. It's believed that he married Mary Denman on 15 May 1762 in Culmstock, Devon, England. They may have had three sons:

  • John Shaddix - perhaps born on 24 Nov 1766 in Leeds, Yorkshire, England
  • James Shaddix - perhaps born in 1768 in Georgia
  • William Shaddix - perhaps born about 1773 in North Carolina

There are several problems with this scenario. Devon is located in the southwest section of England while Leeds is in the far northeast. While that move might make sense, it's unusual that James would be born in GA, then William in NC, and then the family settles back in GA for many years.

John and James appear to have married two Clayton sisters, Nancy and Elizabeth respectively. The Clayton family was probably from Lancashire, adjacent to Yorkshire in the north of England. Both girls were born in GA after their family emigrated to the colonies.

John Shaddix

Are we related?

Here are the GEDmatch Kit #s for my father and mother:

GI: A909282
CL: A216073

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