AncestryDNA - DNA Circles
AncestryDNA has been developing a feature they call DNA Circles for several years. There are still issues with them, but when used carefully they can be quite useful.
What are DNA Circles?
When AncestryDNA sees that a group of DNA-matched people have a common ancestor,
they create a DNA circle that includes all of the matches who might - emphasize might - descend from that person.
A DNA Circle will form around an ancestor in a family tree if the tree is public and linked to your DNA test, and if two or more of your DNA matches...
- are DNA matches to you and to each other at a 2nd cousin level or further out
- have public family trees attached to their DNA tests; and
- share a common ancestor (according to their trees).
For more details, visit
Ancestry support: DNA circles.
Multiple DNA Tests
As of June 2017, I have access to the list of DNA matches for 15 family members (including myself, all listed below).
Having access to these match lists is extremely helpful as I analyze our family relationships, and expand and confirm our genealogical tree.
I'd greatly appreciate having access to the matches of any 4th cousin or closer relative.
How to Share Your List of AncestryDNA Matches.
Paternal Line DNA Circles
As of June 2017, we have 39 paternal line DNA circles. There are clearly a number of missing links and problems in our Ancestry tree.
Viewing these DNA circles helps bring some of those to my attention.
Circle Links
In my immediate family, five of us have tested: myself (KI), my father (GI), and his three sisters (GP, SI and SM).
Here's how we link up to the DNA Circle charts that follow:
Ireland DNA Circles
Wright DNA Circles
Nichols DNA Circles
Gwartney DNA Circles