
Our Kids

Our pets are important members of our family. Originally, Steve was a "cat person" and Kevin preferred dogs. That difference seems to have disappeared over the years.

Our two cats, Panama and Leia, and our dog Laszlo are the current heads of our household. Panama is a 4 year old American Tabby (i.e., Mutt), Laszlo is a 1.5 year old Viszla, and Leia (the new member of the family) is a teen-age Tonkinese.

Photos of each of the kids are available online:

The Great Kitty Panama
Panama Grows Up
The Great Puppy Laszlo
Laszlo Grows Up
The Great Kitty Leia
Leia Grows Up

Video: The Great Puppy Laszlo

The Great Puppy Laszlo from Kevin on Vimeo.
Whitney Bashor sings Lying There by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul.

Video: The Great Kitty Leia

Are we related?

Here are the GEDmatch Kit #s for my father and mother:

GI: A909282
CL: A216073

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Grandma Ireland's 100th Birthday